2024 Participant of the Year - Adam, our Grassroots Hero!
“Grassroots didn’t just help me find a job—they gave me my life back. They believed in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. They supported me through every step of my recovery and showed me that I could overcome my past and build a future I’m proud of. Today, I’m clean, employed, and connected to my family in a way I thought I’d lost forever.”
“Without the support I was given, I’m not too sure where I would sit right now. What I do know is my life today is very very very very good.”
Adam, a proud 51-year-old Waka-Waka/Willi-Willi man, came to Grassroots seeking a path to stability after a series of life challenges left him unemployed and disconnected from his family. Adam had turned to substances as a coping mechanism and this led to a deterioration in his health, negatively impacted his connection to his family and meant he was unable to find or maintain employment. His situation grew dire as he faced the potential loss of his family and his home. Ask Adam and he will tell you that he had lost himself.
When he was first referred to Grassroots we could see his genuine desire for change and to get back to the person he knew himself to be. His decision to attend the program marked the beginning of his remarkable journey toward recovery, personal growth and stable employment.
Adam committed to attending a detox program. The Grassroots team linked Adam’s family in as part of his care plan. This resulted in joint sessions and ongoing conversations aimed at strengthening Adam’s family connection. It was easy to see that this was a key pillar for Adam and one that we used as the foundation for his healing journey.
Despite the challenges along the way, Adam persevered and remained committed to sobriety. Concurrently, Grassroots connected Adam with culturally relevant outpatient services and medical professionals to address his health issues. Adam’s resilience was evident when he pursued traffic control certification, Grassroots provided further assistance by arranging custom work boots and referring him to physiotherapy, alleviating his foot pain and enabling him to work comfortably. Adam’s partner remained a vital support system throughout his journey, they both engaged with Grassroots to ensure he had the resources needed for sustained recovery and stability. Adam’s commitment and engagement with these supports allowed him to achieve and retain full-time employment in traffic control.
Reflecting on his journey, Adam shares, “Gaining employment has changed my life in every way—it brought me stability, health, and, most importantly, a connection to my family that I almost lost. I’m driven every day to continue, not just for myself but for them.”
Adam’s story is a testament to the transformative power of determination and support, illustrating the critical role Grassroots played in helping him reclaim his life and achieve long-term stability